poetry pop
worries are poems · songwriting is healing
«s’isch ziit zum blüehe»
listen closely.
«fühlt sich richtig ah»
live sessions.
«better now»
worries are poems · songwriting is healing
«s’isch ziit zum blüehe»
Why leave when it's at its best? - «gang no nöd» captures the moment of encounter and takes it in with all senses. Full of lightness and curiosity, feelings and thoughts that flash up are sung about in a natural and refreshing way.
«Ich weiss» is a voice for all those who are tired of tirelessly giving and understanding, while their own needs fall short. As a first step towards not losing oneself any further, the fragile and unfiltered urgency of what has been lying dormant for too long is sung about.
No matter what or who you are passionate about, «tinnitus» wants you to be the most important thing to yourself. Listen to your body and treat it like a good friend. If your body shows you your limits, let it encourage you to set appropriate boundaries.
«snooze» creates a moment that feels infinite even though everything is finite. A song that slows you down, lets you sleep in, invites you to be gentle with yourself, to pause and leave the fast-paced world around you outside for a brief moment.
«fühlt sich richtig ah»
dur s’schriibe und umsetze vo «freud» hani d’freud zrugggwunne a dem wo mir am meischte git. d’freud ade musig, wonni churzziitig verlore han weg dem ganze zirkus rundume.
was berührt, das bliibt. - «was bliibt» isch es gedicht. e reflexion, es innehalte, erkenne und benenne vom wert vo öppisem wo lang do gsi isch. e usenandersetzig mit de vergänglichkeit. usdruckt inere versöhnliche ode ad endlichkeit.
wie frogt me um hilf wemmer sie brucht? mit gad mol vier wort: «chasch du mich hebä?» - tönt eigentlich eifach, fühlt sich aber nöd so ah. - ehrlich und zerbrechlich teil ich d’komplexität vo mir und mim umgang mit schwere emotione, ide hoffnig die welt do usse chönne z’ermuetige, ehnder und unghemmter um hilf z’froge.
de release isch es gschenk a mich selber zum 30igste geburtstag. mit «stilli poetin» schenk ich mir zu mim runde mini eigeti stimm zrugg und mache schluss mitem mich iischüchtereloh. ich ermuetige demit mich selber und hoffentlich au vieli anderi nümm länger still z’bliibe, s’wort z’ergriffe und für grechtigkeit iizstoh.
«chum mir z’nöch» verzellt erfrischend ehrlich und liecht, wie sich en crush füren fantasievolle mensch wie mich ahfühlt und wie gegsätzlich ich mich debii verhalte. offe und verschlosse, frech und schüch, mengisch zur gliiche ziit.
«better now»
Ginger & the alchemists (CH) and Amistat (DE/AUS) is a collaboration that gets under your skin and is capable of breaking hearts in a nostalgically loving way. Their vocal harmonies create a synergy that leaves you floating in crackling air, somewhere between unspoken attraction and the feeling that the timing may never be right. Their collaborative song «heart on fire» lets you dive into the world of unexpected love, as a result of a steadily growing emotional bond.
I can' t hear what you don' t say. So let's break through this dull silence, because the ability to honestly communicate without compromise makes all the difference in any relationship. «say» creates the space you need to stand up for yourself, to express yourself, to share yourself. Space for your needs to be heard.
Tired of the blinding nightlife, fears and facades are dropped and hearts are thawed. «dive in» succeeds in breaking through the surface to delve into the depths, to get to the bottom of each other, to experience authenticity and beauty.
«I don't like love songs, but this one is fresh - because it is for you.» - Commitment, kindness and fragility in relationships are the values that «came my way» sings about and celebrates. The sincerity and openness lived out along the journey of love is recapitulated and rejoiced. Glasses are raised proudly to what has been achieved together, to the immeasurable value of the trust that results.
«fragile» is an anthem to fragility and its beauty. A white flag in the wind as a sign of reconciliation. A peace-making reflection that inspires the letting go of inner resistance until we reach acceptance of our imperfection.
«driftwood» makes feelings of pure happiness appear. Never before have you experienced such lightness, such unconditional self-love. The flow of life, too powerful back then, now lets you drift freely and weightlessly. It lets you experience beauty with all your senses wonderfully intensely.